The ‘North-Essex Social Impact Hackathon (the Event)’ is a competition designed as an ‘open innovation experience’ - one that does not seek to protect ideas from being exploited by others but welcomes the development of ideas shared in the common arena. It has been arranged by “Relocon Limited t/a The Weave” (referred to as The Facilitators or Organisers). It has been designed to stimulate ideas that address an overarching issue to improve the social, mental and physical health, welfare and well-being of our North Essex Communities.


To participate in the event, you must agree to these Terms and Conditions. You and your team members must be at least 18 years of age or older at the date you submit your registration. All communication between organisers and participants will be conducted using English, including any submission of ideas, email correspondence or other means of communication.


In general, and unless otherwise stated, you must be over eighteen years of age and be a resident of the UK to attend. International students can participate but must comply with the restrictions of their educational visas. ‘Relocon Limited t/a The Weave’ (now known as ‘The Facilitator's or Organiser’ of the event) cannot be held liable for any breach of visa rules. Teams need to register a maximum of two individuals as ‘team leaders’ who are authorised by the team to act on their behalf in submitting and registering any team outputs or needs.

The Online Hackathon is open to the following three categories of participant

1.         Students who are attending an Essex or Suffolk-based university or college and are over the age of 18 years, as of the 18th of November 2022. Students can register to join multiple teams but will only be able to participate in one team through the actual event.

Students can collectively agree to enter as an eligible team and submit their idea precluding them from joining any other team as eligible individuals.

2.         Eligible teams are Essex/Suffolk-based businesses or student teams that wish to participate with a mind to enhancing their existing offer and exploring new opportunities to develop innovative ideas to improve the social, mental and physical health, welfare and wellbeing of North Essex Communities. We welcome all organisations that are registered in the UK as a business including charities, CICs, Cooperatives and Limited Companies eager to develop their social output. They must employ 50 or fewer employees and have a turnover of less than 25 million pounds per annum.  To be eligible for the funding pitch they must agree to develop and test their ideas within the North-Essex region.

3.         Eligible individuals, those hobbyists and independent innovators who wish to participate in exploring their own and others’ ideas. As an individual with an idea, the Organiser will endeavour to promote it on its platform and through any channel to bring in team members to work on the idea and develop it further. Any team formed around the idea who wants to go one and enter the Social Impact Accelerator to pitch for the funds must first form into a registered business.


Employees and immediate family members of The Weave, Colbea or ACT are not eligible to enter the event. “Employees” shall mean any person employed by the organisation regardless of time working with them or their seniority, but excludes interns and apprentices, who may wish to join as part of a student team or eligible individual. “Immediate family members” shall mean parents, step-parents, legal guardians, children, step-children, siblings, step-siblings, or spouses. This does not preclude individuals and teams from sponsoring companies in entering the challenge, but full disclosure must be made at the time of entry.

Conditions of Participation

You must be eligible as defined above and agree to be bound by the Terms and conditions outlined here. Any submission will be judged by the Organiser and those they charge to be judges, based on a criterion that will be explained but subjectively applied. Any judgement is based on the feelings and experiences of the judge. No justification can be sort or demanded from the judges, and their decision is final. Any resources and technologies required to be downloaded are done at the competitor’s risk. All competitors are asked to use appropriate security and firewalls when sharing data and information between their team, themselves, and the organiser. Any failure of technology does not create any liability for the Organiser.

Any entry must not include:

a.     Unsuitable or offensive content, including racist remarks, sexually explicit content, disparaging remarks, defamatory or inappropriate language.

b.     Content that does not infringe or violate any third-party Intellectual Property Rights, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks and rights of publicity.

c.      Content that has previously been submitted in another competition or awards programme.

d.     Evidence that is unsubstantiated, false or misleading in its claims.


This is an open innovation event. All ideas are submitted based on the assumption that they will be discussed openly by the Organiser, judges, and other participants. The Event outputs, including the sharing of ideas, can be used for marketing materials and to solicit the involvement of others at any future event. Should any business, Joint Ventures, or Collaborations seek to secure any IP, Trademark and Copyright at a future time, this will not limit the ability of the Organiser, Colbea and ACT to use the idea in their marketing material.


Winners for any prizes announced as part of the weekend’s events will be notified on Sunday the 20th of November in the evening. These prizes may be offered as cash rewards, vouchers, or the delivery of sponsors’ services. The Organiser is not liable for the quality or value of the prize on offer. It, therefore, cannot be responsible for making good any perceived loss of stated value to the value of the actual offer. An eligible individual or team that wishes to progress to pitch for part of the ACT funding of up to £20,000 will be advised by the Organiser in the following weeks. ACT has the right to allocate the budget in any amount they deem suitable and appropriate. To be eligible for this funding, applicants must attend the SIA starting in January 2023 to prepare for a pitching event after the SIA. Anyone successful in attaining funding from ACT agrees to the following stipulations:

a)     They agree to all the terms and conditions that ACT stipulate regarding the funding.

b)     That the delivery of the work will directly impact upon to improve the social, mental and physical health, welfare and wellbeing of North Essex Communities as stipulated by ACT.

c)     They agree to their success being used in any promotional material for the benefit of the Organiser, Colbea and ACT to promote their work and future work.

d)     That they release the Organiser from any liability arising out of the work that they use the funds to do.

e)     That they are liable for any tax implications that the cash reward may create, and the Organiser, Colbea or ACT will assume no such liabilities.

Providing false information at any point could lead to immediate disqualification and the forfeit of any prize. Acceptance of any prize constitutes consent for the Organiser, Colbea and ACT to use the content for any purpose, including marketing, data analytics, evidence-based research, and promotion. Winners of any funding agree to allow the Organiser to stay in contact with them for the next five years to continue to measure the impact of any funding over the longer term.

5.     TAXES

Any payments to winners are subject to the express requirement that they submit their tax returns to the relevant authorities. Any payments will be made net of any taxes the provider may be eligible to pay. The winner is responsible for complying with the applicable tax laws and regulations. You are responsible for paying all and any tax due in whichever jurisdiction to which you must submit your returns. Therefore non UK citizens who might have to pay tax on prize winnings in another country accept total liability and you will indemnify the Organiser against any such claims.


A competitor can be eliminated from the Event if the Organiser believes that their participation undermines the legitimacy and intent of the event. This may include, but is not definitively listed below, the following:

a)     Deliberate false information concerning their identity

b)     Breaching any of the terms and conditions

c)     Sabotaging events either verbally or technologically to damage the reputation of any participant, sponsor, or attendee

d)     Leaking information about solutions to any other team or external entity who might benefit from such information, directly or indirectly, before the closing of the event

e)     Acting in a way that is antisocial, threatening, abusive or discriminatory to any person involved in the event

The Organiser’s decision in any such complaint is binding and definitive and would lead to the immediate disqualification of the person from participating in this or any future events.


Any idea submitted for evaluation is assumed to be the idea of the team and not an idea deliberately stolen from a third party, and the participant has the right to submit the idea. The competitor agrees to indemnify the Organiser and any agent of the Organiser from claims of misappropriation and unauthorised use of all and any:

a.     intellectual property, copyrighted material, trademark, trade secret, or infringes any non-disclosure agreement

b.     software, purchased or licensed, for use at the Event

Each competitor agrees to indemnify and always indemnify the Organiser from and against any liability, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses resulting from any act, default, or omission of the competitor. To the maximum extent permitted by the law, each competitor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Organiser and their agents from and against all claims, actions, and suits, as well as losses, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses arising out of or accruing from:

a.     the submission of work that infringes any intellectual property, copyright material, trademarks, trade secret, or violates any non-disclosure agreement

b.     any misrepresentations about the Event

c.      any non-compliance by the competitor with these terms

d.     claims bought by any other person or entities other than the parties to these terms arising from or related to the competitor’s involvement with the Event

e.     misuse of any prize, monetary or otherwise, in any illegal activity

f.      any prize that malfunctions in anyway

g.     failure of the website or platform to function in the way that it is designed to do so

h.     any error arising from the collection, processing, or retention of entry information

i.       any typographical error or error in the printing, offering or announcing of any prize or winner.


The Organiser is not responsible for any communication failures resulting from interruption, deletion, or defective equipment leading to a delay in operations or transmissions. The Organiser is not responsible for theft or destruction or unauthorised use or access to submitted materials, from the failure of technology, networks, telephone equipment, mobile or otherwise, electronic equipment, malfunctioning hardware, or software. The Organiser is not liable for any submission that does not arrive in the required format or by the time stipulated because of congestion in the delivery mechanisms or the data provider services. Suppose the competition website, or 3rd party systems the Organiser is using to deliver the Event fail to work in the way that it was understood that they would, due to interventions, authorised or unauthorised, malware, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes which corrupts the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of the Event. In that case, the Organiser has the right to cancel and reschedule the event to a time most suited to the Organiser’s timetable.

The Organiser reserves the right to select winners only from the eligible submissions received before or at the designated time. Furthermore, the Organiser has the right to disqualify anyone who attempts to or does tamper with the submission process. Any attempt to harm, damage or undermine the legitimate operations of the Organiser’s website, social media profiles, or digital platforms is a violation of criminal and civil law, and the Organiser reserves the right to seek damages from any such action.

9.     PRIVACY

Competitors agree that any personal contact data submitted during the Event and before participation in the Event, including details of work address, title and work email, as well as personal information such as names, gender, mailing address, unique phone number, date of birth and personal email address (if relevant), may be used by the Organiser to verify competitors’ eligibility. Furthermore, the Organiser can use the data to contact the competitor when it relates to the confines of the Event. The Organiser has the right to use data to report, in an anonymised format, any statistics pertinent to researching the value of such an event. The competitor has the right to deny the Organiser to use of their data in this way.  

The Weave is the data controller for the competition. Competitors have the right to access, review, revoke, rectify and remove data by messaging with Data in the subject title. The Organisers require some data to confirm eligibility to register and check that they qualify for any prizes. If a competitor fails to submit the eligibility data, then the Organiser has the right to deny entry to the Event. By accepting an award, the Competitor agrees and consents to the Organiser and its agencies to use the competitor’s name and likeness for a reasonable time after the completion of the event for promotional material of the Organiser and their agents as one of some winners, without additional compensation, unless prohibited by law.


11.1 The organiser has the right to limit the participation of any person to the Event, to amend and interpret these Terms in a new way that accommodates that decision. Notice of any such amendments, interpretations or cancellation will be deemed to have been given via a notice on the competition website. A competitor can terminate their involvement in the Event by emailing

11.2 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions can be construed as an offer of work. Winning an award or gaining investment does not imply any contract of work or employment. You acknowledge that by submitting your entry you are doing so voluntarily with no expectation of winning.

11.3 The Organiser may assign, novate or subcontract any or all of the rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions at any time. If a Term or Provision is deemed to be unenforceable then the law of England and Wales will govern the outcomes.

11.4 A list of all winners and their ideas will be made available on The Weave’s website ( sometime after the conclusion of the Event.

11.5 Sponsors will be listed on The Weave’s website with links to their services and with thanks for their support