Imagination - Opportunities - Networks

The Weave is delighted to work with ACT to deliver social change across the North of Essex. ACT, which distributed over £500,000 to good causes, has a legacy to maintain and a newfound purpose.

ACT’s mission is to be an “inclusive and influential needs-led investor in grassroots solutions for health and wellbeing” to look to the long-term impact of the funding and resources they provide.

The North Essex Social Impact Hackathon is a chance for the community to come together to explore the challenge of improving the social, mental and physical health, welfare and well-being of North Essex by stepping away from the current thinking and actively seeking alternative solutions.

ACT has pledged £20,000 of support to help test and deliver the most viable innovations to the community of North Essex. To emphasise their commitment to long-term impact, any allocation of funds will occur after an eligible business has attended The Weave’s Social Impact Accelerator (SIA) set to take place in early 2023. Businesses will then take part in a competitive pitching event. The SIA is a dynamic and powerful learning journey that increases the chances of attaining a sustainable, long-term impact from any funding received.

For more details about the hackathon and the T&Cs of participation, you can register here.

ACT is in the process of relaunching itself - stay tuned to find out how they are helping the region.